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An automated Budget Book: Less Risk, Less Time, More Reliable

Fees: No charge


All governments, universities & colleges must prepare a budget to guide their activities. Why?

Planning, budgeting and reporting are all elements of government's performance management and accountability process. BC Provincial Government

That all sounds reasonable for why we prepare a budget. But reporting on that budget to council, board or senior management can pose numerous challenges:

  • Lots of tables which must agree to each other in many places.
  • Lots of graphs which must agree to the tables that support it.
  • Lots of narrative that explains the plan, typically from many different analysts.
  • To further complicate matters, the budget may cover multiple years

Attend our 90 minute demonstration that will show how Caseware Working Papers will provide budget book automation for your organization this year: 

  • Import data from your ERP and budget software (if you're a Questica Budget user we will also show how this becomes a 1-click task)
  • Group accounts exactly as needed for the budget book
  • Create the tables, graphs and narrative and ensure they all agree
  • Questions from the attendees!